Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

Which DBSK Member Are You?

Which dbsk member are you?
Your Result: Max Changmin

Max Changmin? Well, lets see... You're shy when meeting new people and you're a genius. But just because you're shy, doesnt mean you can't be mischevious. In your kinds of relationships, you take it seriously but have fun at the same time. You like to have fun a lot and tend to follow what the older people around you do. You're slim as well, but have a big appetite. In fact, you have such a big appetite you eat at the night almost everyday. Other languages facsinate you except the one you speak fluently. You also have manners too. Either way, you're a Max Changmin!! YAY!

Hero JaeJoong
Xiah Junsu
Micky Yoochun
U-know Yuhno
Which dbsk member are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

What the? How can i got changmin?
I like jaejoong more, haha i know it's not the type of quiz you can get what you want easily. So just admit it that i got changmin even i love jaejoong than changmin :D *uuh err sorry for my bad english, failed grammar and tenses kekeke*

8 komentar:

  1. i like yoochun. he is so cute :) hehe.

  2. Oh yeah i like yoochun too, but i like jaejoong more haha

  3. Aku gak iri kok unn kalo unnie dpt jaejoong, cuma gak percaya aja hahaha

  4. Percaya ga percaya tp itulah kenyataanya... hahaha...

  5. Kenyataan yg pahit(?)

    unn btw itu judul postingannya sama, aku kira td postingan unnie punyaku, tp kok resultnya malah jaejoong, trnyata postingannya unnie..

  6. haha, there are some, who like jaejoong

  7. Yah... aku ngikutin judul punya kamu....
